mary henderson

For those who have lost their ability to dream!

SELAH Moments

SELAH Moments

I first came across this word, Selah, in certain translations of the Bible, several years ago. It can be found in 71 places in the book of Psalms and then three times in the book of Habakkuk in chapter 3. I enjoy looking up the meanings of words from its origins but this word has caused a few scholarly disagreements over the years. But since it is used so many times, I think it we should make an effort to find out its meaning, as best as we can.

The definition that resonates with me most is that it means to pause and calmly think about what you’ve just read or heard, lifting our hearts up in praise to God for all He has done.

I love the thought of reading a beautiful Psalm and then pausing. So many times we hurry through our Bible reading in an attempt to get in as much as we can but a few minutes later, we have no idea what we just read. The notion of pausing…and calmly thinking about what we just read is the perfect way for us to allow His Word to permeate our mind, fill our hearts and change our lives. If we read solely for the purpose of reading but never let the words change us, mold us, challenge or encourage us, if we never find a way to apply it to our lives, we miss out on so much of what His inspired Word was meant for.

Take Psalm 139, for instance. What a beautiful chapter filled with truths about how God intimately loves us, created us, is present with us everywhere we go. Reading several verses and then pausing and letting that truth sink deep down, will allow your heart to tuck away those truths when lies enter your mind. You can bring back that word and speak truth to the lie. What was meant to cut you down and cause you pain is now just a passing bother. The arrows don’t stay planted. They are skillfully pulled out and discarded because you have hidden the truth in your heart.

As I write this, I’m sitting in my room pausing and considering all that has happened to my family in the last few years. When I think of what the enemy tried to do, the destruction of dreams and plans, I sit back and am in awe of what God has brought to life out of the rubble. I was telling a friend about this the other day. If we had not been through so much in our lives over the last 2 years and seen what God was doing when it was all said and done, we would not have the faith we have to begin a new journey.

Thanksgiving is next week and as you and your family prepare for this wonderful holiday, take a few Selah moments and reflect back over what God has done this year. If life has beaten you down so much that it’s hard to even put into words, take a few moments each night before you go to sleep and write down just one thing that you’re thankful for. In the moment, all you may be able to see is what you’re feeling now but look back before the hurt, before the betrayal, before the pain and find one thing that brought you joy and made you grateful. My prayer is that this will begin to bring a healing to your troubled mind. A way to pause and think about the good that has happened, the people who have been there for you, a song that spoke peace to your heart, a verse that opened up your mind to just how much God loves you. Selah. Pause and calmly think about those things and with your bruised heart, lift up a praise to God and allow His Holy Spirit to fill the air.

Psalm 139 17-18 says

How precious also are Your thoughts towards me, O God!

How vast is the sum of them!

If I could count them, they would outnumber the sand.

When I awake, I am still with You.

Be assured, daughter of God, that as you pause and calmly think of Him, He was already thinking about you!

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