mary henderson

For those who have lost their ability to dream!

I Am The Storm!

I Am The Storm!

There’s a great meme circulating on social media that really struck a chord with me a few years ago. “The enemy whispers, “You cannot withstand the storm”. The warrior replies, “I AM the storm!”

At that moment I was definitely not feeling like a warrior. At all. My warrior status had been revoked some time back. But something in that quote spoke to a deep place in my heart. It awakened the warrior.

Have you ever had a moment like that? Something you read, a song, a sermon, a quote, just injected your soul with faith and strength? Second only to reading the Bible, music is one of the ways that God speaks to me.

Music has a way of moving me from a bad mood to a great one. On any given day, my play list contains a mix of Hillsong and Elevation worship songs, with some Bob Marley mixed in just for fun. Ok church people; don’t get all judgmental on me, now. I’m an island girl at heart and nothing puts me in a great mood like Bob!

But that quote got me thinking. What is a warrior and how do I become one? Who do you think of when you hear that term, warrior? For me, it conjures up images of the strong people in my life like my parents who have always given sacrificially to me and to our family. It makes me think of both my and Bud’s grandmother, who have always been our prayer warriors. I also think of the single moms I’ve known throughout my life that give of themselves so unselfishly. Not to mention the many pastors that I’ve had the privilege to know that stand in the gap for their congregations as a warrior, all the while fighting the enemy who seeks to destroy them and their own families. I think of my sister who is my true north, my home base when life becomes too hard to bear. Friends who have been in the trenches for me, fighting on my behalf. There are just too many to list.

When I ask myself the question, how do I become a warrior, I just need to look around me at these people and so many more for my answer. Their example is my guide to living fearlessly and humbly in the face of storms.  There will always be that person or a situation in your life that will speak defeat to your mind and heart. It usually comes at a time that you feel beat down by life but in those moments, if you would begin to think of those warriors and how they defeated fear and conquered doubt, it will give you the strength to lift your head a little higher.

But, of course, the greatest reminder of all is that you are a child of God, a daughter of the King and in you, He has birthed a true warrior. One that can stand up against the enemy with all the strength and courage that you will ever need to defeat those thoughts of doubt. You, precious daughter, were given all that is necessary to live like a warrior, walk like a warrior. What I’ve learned in my own life and in the lives of so many women I know, there is nothing and I mean nothing that can stand in the way of a daughter, a wife and especially a mother that is a prayer warrior. All hell trembles when a mother begins to pray for her children!

It may start with a simple lifting of your head followed by a quickening of your heart when you feel that your Savior’s presence is near.  Then you bring to remembrance the verses you’ve read about being MORE than a conqueror through Christ and suddenly your mind is no longer plagued with doubt and fear. You begin to speak out loud all that God has already done in and through you and what He has done for you time and time again and you feel your hand grabbing that sword. As you raise up that sword, courage fills your heart and mind and all at once, a roar comes forth from your mouth. I AM THE STORM! And just like that, the warrior is born!

Daughter, whatever you’re facing today, whether it’s a strong willed child that defies you daily or a boss who overlooks your talents over and over again, or a financial crises that continues to plague you. Whatever it is that is draining your confidence, declare over that situation today that, in Christ, you can overcome that storm and that you are a warrior! In His strength and with the example of those around you, you can overcome. The Bible says you have ALREADY overcome because of Jesus.

 So roar, dear warrior, roar!



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