mary henderson

For those who have lost their ability to dream!

God Is Enough!

God Is Enough!

Have you ever faced a problem that deep down, you really didn’t believe that God could answer?  A miracle so impossible that He couldn’t accomplish. Truth be told, I think what we truly fear is that He just won’t do it for US.

I lived with insecurities for so many years in my young life that when it came to asking God for things, my belief in who I was didn’t line up with what I thought God would do for me. Why would the Creator even think about my problems or me? This is how I believe that even King David felt in his life.

 In 2 Samuel 7:18, King David asks God the question, “Who am I, Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?” Another translation says, “I am not worthy of what You have already done for me, nor is my family.” Yet God called David a man after His own heart. God saw greatness in David that he didn’t see in himself. There was a plan and a purpose for David’s life that he could not have dreamed of as he was tending his father’s sheep.

 I love that about my Father! I know my earthly dad dreamed of me doing great things with my life but what my Heavenly Father has dreamed for me, far exceeds my wildest imaginations. The question is why? Because He loves us more than we could possibly imagine. Isaiah 49:16 says that God has engraved us on the palms of His hands. He could never forget us.

 As a mother, I know the dreams I have for my son are wild, big and over the top dreams. But as I have watched him grow into the man God has created him to be, those dreams pale in comparison to what His heavenly Father has planned for him. God has the ability to call out our purposes long before we ever begin to even see those gifts or talents in our life. Hillsong Worship has a popular song out right now called “I am who You say I am.” It’s such a powerful reminder that He is for us, not against us and that He purchased our freedom so that we could live out those purposes.

 When we can truly understand those truths, we can rest assured that in every situation of our life, God is more than enough. We don’t have to rely on our behavior or our faithfulness to see God move in our lives and answer our prayers. If we did, I know for me, I wouldn’t see many answered prayers. God knew us when He created us, that we were broken and in need of a Savior. He doesn’t wait for us to “get it all right” before moving on our behalf. I’m so thankful for that. Yes, there are times in my life that I know I saw provision and answered prayer because of seeds of faithfulness that I planted but I never forget that He is always the One who brings the harvest.

 What are you facing today that you need God to answer? What lack in your life are you in need of God’s provision? Financial, peace, restoration in your family, salvation, healing? Just know today and every day, that God is big enough, strong enough and faithful enough to meet every one of those needs. He can bring to pass dreams that you can’t even imagine. A life that you thought was only for other people but never for you. He can bring out those talents and gifts that He has for you and give you a life that you never thought possible. Stretch your faith a little further today. Believe Him for a little more than you thought you could. He can be trusted, I promise.

 I have seen marriages that ended, restored. Families that were broken, healed and mended. I can’t tell you how many times over the years when I had no idea how the bills would get paid, somehow the little stretched into enough. God is the author of all of this and more. If you’re questioning whether or not God is big enough, loves you enough or is strong enough to meet THAT need, the one that keeps you up at night, the answer is YES! Yes, Yes, Yes!

It may not happen on your timetable or in the way you envisioned it to happen. I’ve learned that the hard way over these many years of walking with Him. But it will always be what God knows is best for you. Of that I am sure!

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The Crushing

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