mary henderson

For those who have lost their ability to dream!

Family Isn't Always Blood

Family Isn't Always Blood

I asked some friends recently if there were any topics they’d like me to write about and one of them suggested this truth; family isn’t always blood related. Now if you know me even a little, you know that my family means more to me than I can possibly put into words. They have walked with me and in some situations, carried me spiritually when I was too weak to walk on my own. But I’d like to tell you about a group of ladies who have been there for me in ways I never thought possible.

I joined a Facebook group about 6 years ago for people who had read a certain book about health and nutrition. At one point, there were about 700 people in the group. Out of that 700, I met about 60 beautiful women that just connected and we branched off into our own little group that we called The Sisterhood. From that group, smaller groups formed as relationships grew and from those I have found what I know will be lifelong friends. We are from all over the US and Canada. Some have even made trips to meet each other. Our husbands all think we’re crazy but it’s been such a privilege and a blessing to be a part of their lives and invite them into mine.

About 3 years ago, when I was walking through some really dark times, I was about to read The Circle Maker for about the 5th time but this time I read the version where it was a 40 day prayer challenge. I felt a strong urging to invite a few of those ladies into it with me. I needed strong Christian women to surround me and be my wall of protection as I walked the journey I was facing. They have become my Prayer Sisters. We have prayed each other through some of life’s most difficult challenges, sent messages and texts for urgent prayer in the middle of the night and have seen God meet needs, bring healing, provision and restoration in really powerful ways. Oh and did I mention that I’d not met any of them at the time? There are still a few I haven’t met..yet!

When I think about family that isn’t related by blood, I think of so many people that I love and admire, and these ladies are right there in the middle of that! They have been my prayer circle, my watchmen on the wall. I stand in amazement of what God is doing in our newest assignment and how He has answered our prayer to be in full time ministry with the added blessing of being able to do it alongside my son and his beautiful family. And I reminded these prayer warriors this weekend that they are a part of everything that God accomplishes in this ministry because when I wanted to give up a few years ago, they encouraged me, prayed for me and were my warriors when I felt lost.

Do you have people in your life that you feel this way about? That aren’t blood but couldn’t be more like family if they were. I have a few close friends that I know I could call anytime of the day or night and they would be at my side and for no other reason than love. How blessed is the person who not only has incredible family members that are there for them when you need them but also friends that will go to war for you? I am that blessed woman and I thank God daily for them all. If you are too, call those people, TODAY, and tell them what they mean to you. Don’t assume that they know. We all need to hear it regularly. I know I do!

Recently I’ve heard the term “tribe” attributed to these types of relationships. I like that. I like that a lot. When my son was young, the phrase “it takes a village” became popular among moms. They both speak of community. A place where you can be yourself and not be judged. A group of people that encourage, care for and stand up for each other. They get down into the fight for each other, protecting in any way necessary. They won’t let one person go off alone for too long before pulling them in and making sure they are safe. They see each other; hear each other. You know the ones I’m talking about, right? That make you snort becuase you laugh so much when you’re together. The ones who know all your secrets and love you anyway? There’s nothing quite like it. In this group of prayer warriors, on any given day someone is reaching out and asking specific questions about an upcoming doctor’s appointment or family situation. I’m always in awe of this. In our busy life, we call each other by name and ask about something that was shared weeks and weeks ago. There’s something so beautiful about the way that we love one another. And again, so few of us have actually met! It’s incredible how God put us together out of a group of 700, as well as so many other wonderful and dear friends that I’ve made from that original group.

I know some of you may not have a tribe, a village, a group of women that you trust implicitly but you desperately want that. Maybe you’ve been hurt so many times and you’re afraid to be vulnerable. But I’d say to you, take a leap of faith! Connect with women of like interests. Find a group at church or in the community that loves what you love; yoga, exercise, sewing, hiking, reading, photography. Open up your heart a little and see how God can answer the longings of your heart. You’ll never succeed at what you don’t try. I’ve been hurt badly by friends in the past but when I decided that I didn’t want to be alone anymore, I opened my heart to someone new and she became one of my dearest friends and still is. Then I opened it a little more and found that there was so much more room for others. I’m so glad that I didn’t let past hurts and pain keep me from friendships that have lasted almost 30 years and still going strong. It’s what gave me the courage to invite these beautiful women into my life when I needed them.

Open your heart, dear friend. There are lifelong friends that are waiting to be found. Eleanor Roosevelt said “Many people will walk in and out of your life but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.” There are more footprints than I could have ever imagined possible in my heart and for that, I’m truly grateful.

To my tribe, those who have loved me for most of my life and those who I’ve known for just a few years, those I see often and those I haven’t yet met; thank you! You have made me a better woman in every way possible. You’ve shaped my life in ways I never thought possible. You have made me dig deep in my faith until I reached my purposes. You’ve inspired me to dream big! I love each of you deeply, madly and fully!

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