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The Impossible Dream

We talk a lot here about dreaming big. Not allowing your past, your weaknesses or anything else to keep you from realizing your best life. I’ve shared how to find your strengths, learn from your mistakes and develop those gifts and talents to achieve what you only dream about.

But what about those impossible dreams? You know the ones that you only imagine. The ones that you don’t even dare to write down anywhere for fear that if anyone found it, they’d laugh hysterically. The ones that you see others accomplishing but could never see you even begin to attempt them.

As I’ve shared before, for me it was getting my personal trainer certification. I was much older than most and had a history of being overweight. But I realized that my success story of losing 50 pounds at almost 40, gave me a unique perspective. One that has served me well in empathizing with my clients and being a beacon of hope for them. Believe me, if I can do it, anyone can!

Here lately, one of my dreams takes me on a similar path. I’d love to grow my own business that I started in Louisiana of creating and selling healthy and flavorful meals for busy families. I’ve got a name, recipes and a lot of years of experience yet my first attempt in my new city was a slow one. I have every reason to give up but something keeps telling me not to. When I think about the time and energy needed to really make this into a business, I get overwhelmed. I heard a business owner say once that the businesses that succeed are the ones who see all the steps it will take to accomplish success but do them anyway. Saying to myself, “You can’t do THAT!” is a sure way to never seeing that dream come true.

One of the other dreams is more of a desire than a dream. The horrors of sex trafficking that has become rampant in our cities has become so common place that I see it everywhere I go. On billboards in my city, in airports as I travel as well as online. I saw a video just the other day from Christian author and speaker, Lisa Bevere, where she shared about the first time the subject came onto her radar while reading a magazine. Her first reaction was to breathe a prayer, comment about how horrible this was, and turn the page. But she couldn’t. The question for her back then, as it is for me right now, is how can I help? I don’t have influence that would help this situation in any way. I don’t have a significant amount of money to give to organizations that are doing something about this tragedy that would make a difference to their efforts. The list goes on and on. But what the video brought to light is that we can all pray; some can give; others can volunteer but in even a small way, we can all do something. That is what I’ll be concentrating on in the coming months. I must do something.

And lastly, one of the dreams I’ve had as far back as high school is to write a book. In fact, I started one back then. It was a love story and for a highschooler, I have to admit, it was pretty good. But I got married right at graduation and life got in the way. That was 37 years ago. It would be so easy to say, “Mary, it’s too late. Why bother at your age?” But the fact that the desire has never left me, makes me believe that God has a hand in this.

 What about you, dear reader? I would love so much to hear about the dreams you’ve had over the years, the ones you’ve realized and the ones you still have locked away in your heart. What is that you can still see yourself doing? Is it starting a home based business of some kind or volunteering for a cause that is close to your heart? Maybe it’s learning how to play the guitar or piano (also one of mine!), learning a foreign language or taking that course in a subject that has always intrigued you. Perhaps its visiting places that you’ve only dreamed of.

What plans need to be put into place to realize them? I like to have start from my goal and work backwards. What finances, if any, are needed to make this happen and what steps need to be taken for that to become a reality? What time frame do I need to have the time to travel or go to classes or work from home? You may find, like I am now, that the steps are too many, too difficult and the path impossible. Break it down into smaller steps; ones that you can make happen. If it’s a strong desire of your heart, find a way! I promise that along the way, you will be energized, refreshed and you will learn things about yourself. It will be so worth the effort!

Dream big with me, beautiful sister! Let’s make a difference in the lives of those around us by finding our path together!