mary henderson

For those who have lost their ability to dream!

Finding Contentment

Finding Contentment

In the wee early hours of the morning, when all is still and quiet, I can sit at my desk and reflect on my life and say with certainty that I’m content. It’s easy in this moment because nothing or no one is vying for my attention and life seems simple and peaceful. But once the alarm clock goes off and the family is rushing about, the stillness slowly dissipates. While frantically trying to find that perfect princess outfit for my 5-year-old granddaughter that she insists on wearing to school, I glance over at the pile of bills that have been ignored for several days and swipe up those constant reminders on my phone. Calls need to be made, issues need dealing with, work has to be done and for a second, I start longing for those quiet moments in my darkened room.

If I’m not careful, I’ll begin that crazy cycle of comparing myself to others who have it easier (even though I know the truth is they don’t). One thing I’ve learned is that no matter what situation you find yourself in, whether financially, emotionally or physically, there is ALWAYS someone better off than you and someone worse off than you.

The trick is to find a way to be content wherever you are. That sounds like it should be easy but it’s not, is it? We can be completely justified in our complaints. There isn’t enough time, money, opportunities, motivation. Well, if I had Lucy’s money, my life would be so awesome. Guess what, Lucy’s marriage is in trouble and one of her kids is sick but no one knows that. Or, if I had Jane’s slim body I’d be so much happier but you miss the fact that Jane makes her health a priority even though it’s a sacrifice and a slim body is a wonderful byproduct. I could go on and on. This person gets to be a stay at home mom but dreams of going back into the business world. That person gets to go on awesome vacations but you don’t see the sacrifices that are made to be able to do that.

And just like no one may know what you do, give or sacrifice, to have or do the things that are a priority to you, there is no way for you to ever know the next girl’s private life. Contentment comes from first knowing who you are, knowing what is most important to you and then finding ways to enjoy your life in each stage. Practice being in the moment. And by that I mean, in each stage of your life, find the things that bring you joy, that you are thankful for and that you love. Right here, right now. Well, Mary, I wish I got to dress up and go out and work in the “grown up” world but my kids are young and I need to be home with them. Then find ways every day to enjoy the moment. The saying “the hours are long but the days are short” definitely defines their childhood. Another girl would complain that they wish they could stay home with their kids but can’t afford to. Find ways to make a difference at that job and rework how you make the most of your time off at home with your family.

Contentment can be found. It is sometimes elusive. In some instances, it isn’t clear what a gift a particular season is until it’s over. Make the effort not to miss it while you have the chance. Find the purpose for this season and you’ll find contentment. Sometimes just knowing that it’s a season will help you find the contentment you seek. Your kids are only young once; that person at work who makes your life miserable may leave; your aging parents love that they get to spend so much time with you as you care for them. It’s a gift, actually. Every season is a gift. Even the tough ones because they give you perspective and an opportunity to grow.

Whatever season of life you find yourself in right now, just know that God can show you how to enjoy it, how to learn from it and how to find what He wants to show you in it. He has designed it because He knows every next step of your life and He can use it to make you into the incredible person you’re meant to be!


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Christmas Preparations

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