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Just Roll With It!

I’m currently sitting at my laptop with the intention of getting some writing done but there’s a small distraction. Her name is Audrey Sky.  You see, ever since I decided to start this blog, she has decided she really isn’t interested in her daily nap. I had it all planned. A cup of coffee with my new hazelnut creamer, windows open to enjoy the California sunshine, and my laptop. My husband was busy upstairs so it was all planned. Audrey was down for her nap, kisses were given, her sound machine on. Ah! Peace and quiet, at last. Oh but no. Whale and dolphin sounds fill the room along with singing and rolling, while raking her bottle across her crib. Nope, not today, Mimi. Not today.

We’ve all faced those times in our lives when we set out to start a new adventure, a new challenge. In the past, I’ve read and studied, researched and strategized a new eating plan or healthy living routine only to be sidetracked early on. Today is the day I start going to the gym, I’ve said. Then my car doesn’t start. I meal plan for hours on my day off, all ready for Monday morning. Then I forget my lunch on the kitchen counter as I race out the door for work on day 1.

If we go into our new seasons with the understanding that it’s not all going to go perfectly, we can ride those waves of disappointment and interruption as they come. Because they will come. Roll with it, girl. If it doesn’t go as planned, improvise until you can get it all lined up. I did an elimination diet, followed by a strict eating plan several years ago. During the beginning where I was “testing” different foods, I got a bit obsessive about the process, causing undue stress and probably false results.  I actually started to hate food and that is NOT me! I LOVE food. I had allowed a process to take away something I love and enjoy. We will dive into the subject of stress in the near future but let me speak this into your life now. As women, we want to make everything in our lives, well, perfect. I realize that doesn’t describe every woman but the majority of women I know feel this pressure.

My perfect day would look something like this.

I’d wake up early enough to have the house to myself. And, of course, my hair would be perfect upon waking. I’d make myself a cup of coffee just the way I like it. Wholegrain sourdough toast from a local bakery, topped with organic avocadoes, drizzled with a balsamic glaze, pink Himalayan salt and pepper flakes would be my breakfast. Followed by a green juice that I’d make myself with farm fresh vegetables that I got at my local farmer’s market. A quick workout at the gym and a shower would get me going for the day ahead. Having decided to make a perfectly roasted chicken for dinner, I’d grab a locally farmed organic chicken on the way home. And as a special surprise, chocolate eclairs will do just fine for dessert. My day would be spent writing, cooking, reading and studying. And if it rains while I’m reading, well, that would just be heaven.

Oh the plans I make!

What really happens most days? I wake up to my hair standing on end like a muppet, eating leftovers from my granddaughters breakfast, having forgotten to pick up the chicken, we have tacos. And those eclairs. Well let’s just say they were an epic fail so I told my husband that it was a special pudding recipe. He said it was the best pudding he’d ever had. Gotta love that man.

Girl, go ahead and plan. Make good decisions for your life and health and family and mostly for yourself. But when it doesn’t work out perfectly, just roll with it! It might turn into the best pudding you’ve ever eaten! And if you’ll excuse me, Audrey is now calling my name. I may not get to the gym and dinner may be leftovers from last night but the sound of that sweet baby calling my name..now that’s heaven!